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304 Canal Street, New York
NY 10013, United States
T +1 212 392 5423


3431 Wesley St, Units A & B, Culver City
CA 90232, United States
T +1 212 392 5423‎


200041 上海, 中国
T +86 21 5292 2772


上海 201805, 中国
T +86 21 5951 3236


IPIAS Aoyama 205,8-5-6 Akasaka, Minato-ku
107-0052, Tokyo, Japan
T +81 03 6455 5593


1-2-3, Kita-Aoyama
Minato-ku Tokyo, 107-0061 Japan
T +81 3 6455 5593


Sarphatistraat 10,
1017 WS, Amsterdam, Netherlands
T +31 20 261 2929


Dubai, UAE
T +971 58 596 4134


Stellar Works Home (上海零售店) 上海美曜丞智能家居有限公司 上海市黄浦区复兴东路1236号1层 复兴荟北区N14单元 T +86 21 5383 2052 T +86 138 1828 8266 elaine.wang@mycsoftdeco.com elaine.wang@stellarworks.com

设计共和 (展示厅) 上海市静安区江宁路511号 T +86 21 6176 7088 info@thedesignrepublic.com

美工场 上海市闵行区申昆路2377号虹桥国际展汇3号楼2层 T +86 138 5172 5224 natasha_liu@melodycity.cn

野兽派 (上海静安区) 上海市静安区石门一路288号兴业太古汇L243 T +86 177 0216 2294 shdzl@thebeastshop.com

上海东程家居饰品有限公司 展示厅 1: 上海市静安区江场西路300号 C座1楼 ABC

展示厅 2: 上海市普陀区真北路1108号 红星美凯龙 南馆3楼 C8025-27

展示厅 3: 上海市浦东新区金藏路158号 红星美凯龙金桥店5楼E8120-8126 T +86 21 3603 5703 T +86 21 3603 5709 Leinls@fotn.com.dn

上海圆加实业有限公司 上海黄浦区中山东二路558号上海外滩金融中心N1栋N204-207单元 T +86 21 6121 3211 T 400 856 0082 info@elementplus.com.cn

饰耐铂(上海)贸易有限公司 上海市黄浦区九江路501号德必外滩118室 T +86 138 1100 3953 foster.zheng@senab.com

野兽派 (北京) 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路18号颐堤港购物中心地下一层第LG-19单元 T +86 185 1360 2090 bjydg@thebeastshop.com

野兽派(北京国贸-HOME店) 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街1号院18号楼地上三层SL3009铺位、SL3026铺位 T +86 185 1086 5176

北京阿旺特家具有限公司 北京市朝阳区东大桥路8号院3号楼 SOHO尚都北塔A座22层2201-2205 T +86 186 1841 9026 ellachen@avarte-bj.com

深圳市十一家居有限公司 深圳市南山区蛇口南海意库6栋125 T +86 136 3160 1997 shirley.zhang@tenplusffe.com

凡德罗 (成都) 成都市武侯区太平寺西路3号 T +86 28 8322 7183 hao_wu@01fdl.com

野兽派 (广州) 广州市天河区兴民路222号天汇广场L201 T +86 166 0208 1695 gzigc@thebeastshop.com

良行文化 广东省佛山市南海区桂城天安数码城六期二座3楼 T +86 136 9061 9632 T +86 757 8185 8802 info_masanoriart@163.com

设计共和(河南郑州) 河南省郑州市郑东新区商务东五街6号永威木色购物公园东门一楼 T +86 371 5866 6655 marioshen@uandmlife.com

美工场 南京市鼓楼区幕府东路106号专家楼1号楼 T +86 138 5172 5224 natasha_liu@melodycity.cn

美工场 苏州市工业园区唯新路58号启迪科技园21幢 T +86 512 6772 0177 natasha_liu@melodycity.cn

温州悠品软装设计有限公司 浙江省温州市瓯海区梧田街道104 国道慈湖段8号6楼2号厅F8066U品国际 (温州红星国际家居广场内) T +86 135 0577 3396 cielbax@163.com

贝律家居BILV 浙江省嘉兴市秀州区东升西路30号万盛广场603-604室 T +86 139 6738 9003 690796328@qq.com

凡宫家居设计品牌集合店 福建省福州市仓山区林浦路红星美凯龙1号店 世博家居广场2号商铺A3 T +86 180 6508 5015 113462139@qq.com

达慕环球设计顾问(西安)有限公司 西安市雁塔区沣惠南路34号新长安广场C座907室 T +86 186 8187 0778 T +86 139 9135 6823 anson@wanmuwenhua.com

凡德罗 (云南) 昆明市官渡经开发区紫云青鸟文化创业博览园14栋14-5号8楼 T +86 133 5465 1285 molly@01fdl.com


A+R (Showroom) 777 Alameda St Los Angeles, CA 90021 T +1 (800) 913 0071 info@aplusrstore.com www.aplusrstore.com

Casa Design Group 460 Harrison Avenue Boston, MA 02118 T +1 (617) 654 2974 inquiry@casadesigngroup.com www.casadesigngroup.com

Design Lab 1401 Elm St. Cincinnati, OH 45202 T +1 (513) 620 7299 info@design-lab.com www.design-lab.com

Design Public 8707 Washington Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90232 T +1 (800) 688 0974 orders@designpublicgroup.com www.designpublic.com

Haute Living 213 W Institute Chicago, IL 60610 T +1 (312) 329 9000 sales@haute-living.com www.haute-living.com

Haute Living 227 W 17th Street, New York, NY 10011 T +1 (212) 262 9000 sales@haute-living.com www.haute-living.com

Habachy Designs Peachtree Hills Ave NE, Suite 422 Atlanta, GA 30305 T +1 (404) 220 7597 info@habachydesigns.com www.habachydesigns.com

Inform Interiors 1526 Bellevue Avenue Seattle, WA 98122 T +1 (206) 622 1608 info@informinteriors.design www.informinteriors.design

Lightology 215 W Chicago Ave Chicago, IL 60654 T +1 (866) 954 4489 info@lightology.com www.lightology.com

Morlen Sinoway 1052 W. Fulton Market St. Suite 1W Chicago, IL 60607 T +1 (312) 432 0100 info@morlensinoway.com www.morlensinoway.com

Rypen 3501 Galleria, Edina, MN 55435 T +1 (800) 560 0554 hello@rypen.com www.rypen.com


Svaritsen Velyka Vasylkivska Street 114 Kyiv T +38 068 664 3512 info@svartisen.com.ua www.svartisen.com.ua


CDD Str. Sveta Gora 17 1164 Sofia T +359 2 9808 303 info@cdd.bg www.cdd.bg

Design Inception Druzhba District, Block 604 Entrance A, Ground Floor 1582 Sofia T +359 888 609 409 info@designinception.bg www.designinception.bg


Vest Ármúli 17 108 Reykjavik T +35 462 072 00 vest@vest.is www.vest.is


Klaus 296 King Street East Toronto, ON M5A 1K4 T +1 (416) 362 3434 info@klausn.com www.klausn.com

Toolbox 45 West 7th Ave Vancouver BC, V5Y 1L4 T +1 (604) 339 7645 hello@toolbox.com www.toolboxcontract.com


Basic Collection József Attila utca 12 1051 Budapest T +36 160 033 33 info@basiccollection.hu www.basiccollection.hu


Softlite Impex 204 Maplle Morya Classic, Off New Link Rd. Andheri West 400053 Mumbai T +91 98 203 734 28 Tushar@softliteimpex.com

Softlite Impex Studio - No. 7, First Floor, Double Rd. Domlur 2nd Stage 560075 Bangalore T +91 98 204 360 31 dmehta@softliteimpex.com


Somwher 20th floor, Unit 20F JL. TB Simatupang No.18 12520 Jakarta Selatan T +62 21 220 019 19 hello@somwher.com


MOT Taipei No.9-1, Ln. 65, Sec. 1 Jianguo S. Rd., Da’an Dist. Taipei City 106 T +886 2 877 255 08 trade@motstyle.com.tw

MOT Taichung No.573, Sec. 2, Taiwan Blvd., West Dist. Taichung City 403 T +886 4 232 133 99 trade@motstyle.com.tw


Urban Home Design (Showroom) Presa Azúcar 37
11520 Irrigación CDMX T +52 (55) 539 556 85 info@uhdmexico.com


Meer Weissensteinstr. 2B CH-3008 Bern, Austria T +41 313 850 505 info@meer.ag www.meer.ag


Bombyx Ippokratous 9, 3rd floor, Athens 106 79 T +30 210 943 0715 sales@bombyx.gr www.bombyx.gr

Box Interiors 31 Solonos Str, Athens 106 71 T +30 210 724 8600 hello@boxinteriors.gr hello@boxinteriors.gr


Kampe 54 Danneckerstraße 46A 70182 Stuttgart T +49 711 284 140 02 kampe@kampe54.de www.kampe54.de

KnallGrau Königsteiner Str. 57 65812 Bad Soden am Taunus T +49 0619 6883 505 info@knallgraugmbh.de www.knallgraugmbh.de

Ruby Design Living Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße 1 10115 Berlin T +49 3063 9687 330 letter@ruby-designliving.de www.ruby-designliving.de

Designfunktion Richard-Wagner-Str. 3 04109 Leipzig T +49 162 259 9853 leipzig@designfunktion.de www.designfunktion.de


Spotti Viale Piava, 27 20129 Milan T +39 027 819 53 info@spotti.com www.spotti.com


Holmris B8 FormFunk Ryenstubben 3 0679 Oslo T +47 900 339 40 oslo@holmris-ff.no www.formfunk.no


P5 STUDIO PTE PTD 213 Henderson Rd. #01-08 Henderson Industrial Park 159553 Singapore T +65 677 195 00 shawn.tan@p5.com.sg studio@p5.com.sg


Backhouse - Wellington (Showroom) 9 Allen St, Te Aro Wellington 6011 T +64 4 499 8847 wellington@backhouse.co.nz

Backhouse - Auckland (Showroom) 19 Earle St. Parnell 1052 Auckland T +64 9 309 0500 auckland@backhouse.co.nz


Stellar&Co. (Exclusive Distributor in Japan) Aoyama Building 2F 1-2-3 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0061 Japan T +81 3 3423 2010   furniture-mailing-list@stellarco.jp stellarco.jp


Want Kortrijksesteenweg 1170, 9051 Sint-Denijs-Westrem T +32 496 992 037 info@want-interior.com www.want-interior.com

Homepage 102 & 109 Rue du Page 1050 Ixelles T +32 253 700 38 contact@homepagebrussels.com www.homepagebrussels.com

RR Interieur Natiënlaan 215 8300 Knokke-Heist T +32 506 226 33 info@rrinterieur.be www.rrinterieur.be

Abitare Puntstraat 2 2440 Geel T +32 145 882 22 info@abitare.be www.abitare.be

Domus Plus St. Amandstraat 87 8800 Roeselare T +32 512 425 25 domus@domusplus.be www.domusplus.be

Devos Interieur Kerkstraat 37 2970 Schilde T +32 368 020 20 info@devos-interieur.be www.devos-interieur.be


Silvera 58 Av. Kléber 75016 Paris T +33 153 657 878 contact@silvera.fr www.silvera.fr

Siltec 51 Rue de Miromesnil 75008 Paris T +33 142 660 913 info@siltec-mobilier.com www.siltec-mobilier.com

RBC 40 Rue Violet, 75015 Paris contact@rbcmobilier.com www.rbcmobilier.com/


NAP Mysia 3 00-496 Warsaw T +49 797 909 887 online@nap.com.pl www.nap.com.pl

SAO Królowej Jadwigi 110 30-209 Kraków T +48 128 899 760 office@sao.com.pl www.sao.com.pl


Living Edge - Melbourne 650 Church St., Richmond Vic 3121 Australia T +61 390 093 900 info@livingedge.com.au

Living Edge - Brisbane 171 Robertson Street Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 T +61 731 372 900 info@livingedge.com.au

Living Edge - Perth 7 Queen Street Perth WA 6000 Australia T +61 864 667 474 info@livingedge.com.au


MJF Interiors 50 Pembroke Road, Ballsbridge Dublin D04 R2X3 T +353 1592 5050 dublin@mjfinteriors.ie www.interiors.mjflood.ie


Artilleriet Magasinsgatan 19 411 18 Göteborg T +46 31 711 76 21 info@artilleriet.se www.artilleriet.se


Viaduct (showroom) 1-10 Summers St. EC1R 5BD London T +44 207 278 8456 websales@viaduct.co.uk www.viaduct.co.uk

Aram Designs Ltd. 3 Kean Street, London WC2B 4AT T +44 207 240 39330 aramstore@aram.co.uk www.aram.co.uk

Clippings Unit 407 Curtain House, 134-146 Curtain Road London T +44 203 808 9449 hello@clippings.com www.clippings.com

Coexistence 288 Upper St. N1 2TZ London T +44 207 354 8817 enquiries@coexistence.co.uk www.coexistence.co.uk

Conran Contracts 22 Shad Thames SE1 2YU London T +44 207 403 8899 contracts@conran.com www.conrancontracts.com

Conran Shop 81 Fulham Rd, Chelsea, London SW3 6RD T +44 020 782 74265 www.conranshop.com

Day 2 Interiors 2 Woodbridge St. EC1R 0DG London T +44 20 3307 0790 info@day2.co.uk www.day2.co.uk

Dodds & Shute Unit V419, Vox Studios, 1-45 Durham Street T +44 203 735 6426 hello@doddsandshute.com doddsandshute.com

SCP Contracts 135-139 Curtain Rd. EC2A 3BX London T +44 207 739 1869 contracts@scp.co.uk www.scpcontracts.com

The Furniture Practice 31 Pear Tree Street EC1V 3AG London T +44 207 549 5454 london@thefurniturepractice.com www.thefurniturepractice.com

TwentyTwentyOne Contracts 18c River Street EC1R 1XN London T +44 207 837 0220 contracts@twentytwentyone.com www.twentytwentyone.com

Twentytwentyone Retail 274-275 Upper Street, London N1 2UA T +44 207 288 19962 mail@twentytwentyone.com www.twentytwentyone.com


Bigbrands Boomgaardsstraat 38 3012 XD Rotterdam T +31 85 782 2992 info@bigbrands.nl www.bigbrands.nl

Kasstoor Pedro de Medinalaan 89 1086 XP Amsterdam T +31 20 398 7990 info@kasstoor.nl www.kasstoor.nl

Mobilia Utrechtsestraat 62-64 1017 VR Amsterdam T +31 20 622 9075 info@mobilia.nl www.mobilia.nl

Novalis.O De Lind 67 5061 HV Oisterwijk T +31 13 528 8109 info@novaliso.nl www.novaliso.nl

Facilityinq Pedro de Medinalaan 63 1086 XP Amsterdam T +31 204 161 600 info@flq.nl www.facilitylinq.com

Interiorworks Disketteweg 18 1033 SH Amsterdam T +31 20 635 2440 info@interiorworks.nl www.interiorworks.nl

Lensvelt Herengracht 178-1 1016 BR Amsterdam T +31 76 572 2000 info@lensvelt.nl www.lensvelt.nl


Design Story (Showroom) 3/F Uptown Place Mall, Uptown Bonifacio 36th St., Bonifacio Global City Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines  T +632 975 4470 sales@designstoryinc.com


LDV - a linha da vizinha Av. Conselheiro Fernando de Sousa 27-A 1070-072 Lisbon T +351 213 825 350 alinhadavizinha@alinhadavizinha.pt www.alinhadavizinha.pt


Domésticoshop Calle de Hortaleza, 102, Centro 28004 Madrid, Spain T +34 933 193 936 shop@domesticoshop.com www.domesticoshop.com


IBDA Po. Box 6999 Dubai United Arab Emirates T +971 (04) 202 9767 M +971 506 526 698 jens.bertelsen@ibdatrading.com


YOU&US 21, Nonhyeon-ro 140-gil Gangnam-gu 06051 Seoul T +82 02 6335 6294 info@youandus.co.kr s.kang@youandus.co.kr


AT Collection Unit 701, 208 Johnston Rd. Wanchai, Hong Kong T +852 91376117 hongkong@stellarworks.com a.baxani@stellarworks.com


Urban Edge Lot 4.27, 4th Floor, Pavilion Damansara Heights, Kuala Lumpur
T +603 2602 2281 info@urbanedge.com.my


Platform SAL Downtown, An Nahar Building 3rd floor, Beirut T +961 1 972 777 contact@platformsal.com